Tart Lemon Sorbet


I went shopping the other day and I found these super cute retro ice cream containers. So I thought "What a fabulous idea. I can make sorbet!"

In high school and university, I used to make lemon sorbet all the time. I am not really sure how I came up with the method. This time, I had a little trouble trying to remember what I used to do.

Totes cute

So I took 3 massive lemons that I found at a market earlier in the morning.

They were a lot larger than the photo would leave you to believe

Then I squeezed the bezeebers out of them!! I used an old school squeezer that I found as you can see. 

Et voilà!!

These lemons made about 1 1/3 cups of lemon juice (not as juicy as they would have made me believe!) Apparently, these ones were mostly rind!

Lots of rind
Grate about two tablespoons of lemon zest finely. I am a big fan of zest in my sorbet. If you are not, you can leave it out completely.

I boiled about 1 litre of water on the stove. As it was heating up, I added 250 grams of caster sugar and stirred the mixture as it melted.  I let it rise to the boil for just over 5 minutes and then placed it into a plastic container to cool in the fridge. I used this one because it is  rectangular hence easier to get at with a fork whilst freezing.

Lunchbox will suffice

You will need to leave the mixture for at least an hour to cool. 

Meanwhile, the next step is to take two eggs and separate the whites into a bowl. 

Then using a whisk, mix until the egg whites form a stiff appearance. This takes some time if you are using your hand. Otherwise if you have a mixer, it will be much more efficient! After a time, I added about 1/2 cup of caster sugar.

Get ready for some muscular arms!

Then gradually fold in the egg white mixture into the container.

I left the container to freeze for a couple of hours, then I took a fork and 'smooshed' the contents together again. Then I put it back into the freezer.

After another couple of hours, I transfered the sorbet into the retro ice cream container.
And returned to the freezer, where I left it overnight.

Filling up the container

And here is the result the next day!

It has a delicious tart lemon flavour that I would be tempted to indulge myself eating all day long if I could.

I am hoping to try this again with another mix of fresh fruit to try to perfect the method!

I decided to serve the sorbet in these awesome classic champagne glasses. I looooove glasses like these. All the glamourous stars from the 1930s-1940s Hollywood  films drunk from them....  am summoning up visions of Bette Davis

Ah, oh there you go, I couldn't resist...

A young Bette Davis in 'Of Human Bondage' Amazing performance by Bette. There is one scene where she goes completely psycho. So great! Ha! Photo credit: www.thefilmexperience.net
And Ingrid Bergman and Cary Grant in Alfred Hitchcock's 'Notorious' Photo credit: www.filmnoirblonde.com

Digressing again... *classic film nerd coming out* but I would recommend those films in a heartbeat.

Note: As I seemed to have not remembered exactly what I used to do, I kind of just went along with whatever I thought would do (ha! typical). The sorbet was not as solid as I wished it to be though I was not trying to go for the creamy type of sorbet either.

-Addit 23/1/15 Scrap that. It is perfect now!

If you end up with sorbet that does not seem to set very well and is more of a liquid, you can serve it as a granita or better yet, serve it as a cocktail! Just add some spirits. And maybe try your sorbet again later!