Les Bulles à Flotter Paris


Photo credit: Facebook

Comme j'avais vécu en Australie et en France, je voudrais parler de mes expériences avec la flottaison à Paris. 

I discovered the concept of floating therapy in 2016 in Melbourne, Australia. It was an amazing first-time experience, which I have shared with a lot of people over the years. It is also called sensory deprivation.

You first undress and have a shower to clean yourself before entering the pods, where the water is filtered after every person to be clean and ready for the next client.

When I first got into the pod, I wanted to truly experience what floating therapy was, so I got in, closed the pod and turned off the lights (turning off the lights are optional and some people can choose to have the lights on the entire time) and the lid partially open.  

I did have an out-of-body experience. I had decided to go all out and be in the dark in the pod. I felt that I could not possibly be zen with all the noise from next door. "How selfish!" I thought. Then finally I realised that there was no noise coming from outside. It was the beating of my own HEART!

I was quite frightened when I realised this and relaxed back into my float. 
I must have fallen into the state between being asleep and awake, which many studies have been done exploring this specifically with floating. There are no distractions whatsoever than being present in the moment. Not the past or future But the current experience and sensation. 

I was having some kind of dream but I was not asleep. Then I heard my name being called out and I sort of jumped awake and there I was floating in the pod. It was amazing. I spent the rest of my time relaxing and taking time to concentrate again on my body and breathing.

Once, I got out and showered (you need a good shower as there is salt EVERYWHERE- I recommend really having a wash of your ears). 

I walked out of the room rather bewildered and I spoke to the lady at the front desk who totally understood what I had experienced. She stated, "It is like being a member of some secret club, isn't it?" This being because it was not so well-known and I had not ever been between being asleep and awake. Your brain is fuctioning on beta waves. 

Not having chronic pain or sports injuries, I have always used floating as my relaxation method and my mindfulness.
It also makes me feel like I have had 8 hours of sleep!

Video credit: Libby Crozier

À l'époque j'étais hyper contente de découvrir "Les Bulles à Flotter" à Paris. À Melbourne, c'est très populaire mais j'ai vi que la flottaison n'est pas encore connu dans quelques endroits. Par exemple, en Irlande du Nord chez mon papa. Ils ne jamais entendu du concept ! Ce n'est pas connu en Coree du Sud. Une fois jetais aussi en train de parler avec une amie Danoise et ce n'était pas connu non plus au Danemark. 

Pour moi, la flottaison est quelque chose très importante pour moi de me détendre et faire le "self care". La vie est souvent stressante notamment la vie Parisienne!

Depuis le début de 2016, la flottaison est une de les choses qui peuvent me donner un endroit de paix.
C'est ironique parce que souvent j'étais vraiment stressée de me dépêcher Chez "Les Bulles à Flotter" pour me détendre ! Alors, j'arrive et le personnel est super relax et des fois je commence une tasse du thé avant.

Photo credit: Libby Crozier

Vincent Reneleau is the founder and owner of "Les Bulles à Flotter". 

"Les Bulles à Flotter" is not only in Paris but also in Bordeaux, Lille, Strasbourg, and Brussels in Belgium.

They have a long list of music to choose from to listen to in the pods. Like in Melbourne, you can choose to have the music only in the beginning and at the end, or some people can have the music playing the entire hour.

I think that it is healthy to be able to take the time out of your busy schedule.

Photo credit: Les Bulles à Flotter

Each pod is filled with water that contains a very large amount of Epsom salts. The Epsom salts are what make you float and is great for the skin. The salt at "Les Bulles à Flotter" come from Epsom, a spring found in Surrey, England. 

It is highly recommended to cover up any cuts or not to come after having recently shaved not long prior because the salt can cause pain. 

I have gone floating when I have had cuts myself but I have tried not to pay any attention to the pain knowing that the salt helps the healing process and focus on listening to my breathing and getting into the zone. I am aware that this may be very difficult for a lot of people.

When I am in the pods or bulle, I like to take time to feel each part of my body like what we do in mindfulness. As we typically experience in a bathtub, we look at our puckered fingers which signify the salt having exited our body into the water we are in. When floating, this does not happen at all die to the extemely high concentration of Epsom salts in the water. The salt helps heal any wounds. Any initial pain from open cuts subsides. It can also help with sunburn and insect bites.

It is important also to not that there is a spray bottle for spraying your eyes in case water and salt gets in there. This has happened to me many times over the years to it is very handy to have. 

The water inside the pod is of body temperature and buttons are placed either side to turn the internal lights on and off with the other in case of emergencies.

Video credit: Libby Crozier

I have spent time when floating concentrating on my hands and fingers. I have thought how wonderful this experience could be for those with mobility issues as they could enjoy the sensation of floating, being light and relaxing.

I met many a Parisien in the welcoming waiting room who were coming for their very first float. I found this quite surprising. 

Moreso, when I saw people exiting after their first float, likely in awe and surprise at what eye-opening experience they had just had.

Paris is such a fast-paced city where its inhabitants are always on the go. Therefore, many are incredibly stressed. I definitely noticed a calmer style of living when I lived in the south of France.

I find that the pods at "Bulles à Flotter Bastille," where I go to have enormous sized pods in comparison to all the floating therapy pods that I have been to in Melbourne. I was very curious about this difference in size.

I did comment on this and spoke to one of the ladies at the front desk about it and whether they had upgraded the size of the pods since covid or something but she replied that they were the same.

I commented on this to a girl who was waiting to go into her first floating session and she commented:

"Les bulles à la Parisienne, quoi"

As in, because they are bigger and possibly more luxurious it is very typically Parisian-style, meaning best of the best.

I once forgot to bring my contact lens case to remove my contacts before floating and the lady said, "pad de problème!" before handing me a clean lens case and contact fluid!

After the experience, one can choose from a large amount of assorted teas and sit in the front, which has a confy couch and chairs ti relax on. Most clients enjoy this post-float period either sitting in silence and those who are so flabergasted by the experience that they chat. 

Parisiens tend to more discreet in general (definitely in comparison to Australians!) and may not speak to strangers. I am not one of those people so I like to speak to those who have come out of their first float. It is also interesting to see how a person transitions from having the impression of being hectic on arrival to completely relaxed and happy in the lounge area. 

Photo credit: Les Bulles à Flotter

I recommend floating to absolutely anyone. It is a wonderful way to self care. How can we possibly care for anyone else if we don't care for ourselves? How can we do a good job if we are stressed and worried all the time? It is good not only for muscle aches but for mental health and sleep. There are many athletes who regularly go to floating therapy including veru well known ones. It attracts men and women alike. 

"Les Bulles à Flotter Bastille," also the first centre de flottaison in Paris is my go-to place to relax. I have discovered there is a new "Les Bulles à Flotter" that has opened on the left bank of Paris.

J'avais jamais vu les bulles si grandes que chez "Les Bulles à Flotter". Les gens au accueil sont tellement gentils et doux. 

Je recommande Les Bulles a Floater sans hesitation. A "Bulles a Floater Bastille", chaque fois que j'y suis allée il y avait les gens qui essaient la flottasion pour la premiere fois. J'aime beaucoup de parler a eux apres leur seance comme je suis consciente de ma première fois.

Chaque séance est différente. On sort détendu, on sort organisé (plusieurs fois je suis entrée avec un esprit assez embrouillé et confus à cause de mon travail, mes études, ma vie personnelle, etc) et après j'ai une liste de choses à faire dans ma tête et on sort beaucoup plus content que quand on est arrivé!

A complete sensorial experience.

"Les Bulles à Flotter Bastille"

32 Boulevard de la Bastille, 75012

Paris, France

There are also student prices available as well as memberships.

Website: https://www.lesbullesaflotter.fr/

Instagram: @les_bulles_a_flotter